Training Courses - Virtual, Hybrid & F2F
The Pump Centre offers a selection of virtual training courses. These courses are delivered via MS Teams.
The scheduled dates, details and prices (Ex. VAT) are shown in the table below.
During 2023 the Pump Centre is also offering a few hybrid and face-to-face only training courses. A hybrid course is one that can be attended virtually or face-to-face depending on the preference of the delegate. For 2023 all our hybrid courses and face-to-face only courses are going to be held live at either:
Holiday Inn Runcorn, Wood Lane Beechwood, Runcorn, England, WA7 3HA.
Course Information
Details about the course content can be found in the table below by downloading the PDF flyer from the Course info column. Information about the agenda, format and delivery of course is available via the PDF file in the Itinerary column
To Book a Course
If you wish to book a course simply download, complete and return the correct reservation form. The reservation form can be downloaded in a PDF editable form or in rich text format using the links below:
Virtual Courses
Virtual Courses - Reservation Form Final 250222.rtf - rich text format )
Hybrid Courses Please note: delegates need to clearly indicate on the form if they wish to attend the course face-to-face at the Holiday Inn Runcorn, or if they wish to attend virtually via MS Teams.
Face-to-Face Courses
Step 1: Download the correct reservation formStep 2: Complete the delegate contact information for each delegate taking the course.
Step 3: Complete the payment details
Step 4: Return the completed form to Karen Bridgeman at the Pump Centre
Step 5: You will receive confirmation that you are booked onto the course
Step 6a: For virtual delegates: the notes & materials will be delivered to you - at your specified address
(Delegates should book the course at least 7 working days prior to the scheduled course date to allow for delivery)
Step 6b: For Face-to-Face delegates: the notes & materials will be waiting for you at the course venue.
Step 7: For virtual delegates: the course weblink will be emailed to you from the Course Lecturer with other relevant information
Step 8: The course will commence on the date & time specified
If you require assitance:
Virtual, Hybrid & F2F Training Course Schedule
Courses are virtual, unless indicated in the table below.
Click on the PDF icons at the right hand side of the table to download information about each course.