

At The Pump Centre, we are at the forefront of collaborative industry projects with many of the UK's leading water companies. These projects, spanning various technical themes, serve as a vital platform for the exchange of information, the promotion of best practices, and fostering cooperation within the industry.

Our most prominent initiative is the Water Industry Mechanical and Electrical Specifications (WIMES). These specifications meticulously outline the requirements for a wide array of mechanical and electrical equipment used throughout the UK's water industry. The accessibility and associated costs of these invaluable documents depend on your company's membership level – all our members enjoy significantly more cost-effective access than non-members.

In addition to WIMES, we actively engage in other critical projects, such as: WIMWG, ESMG and Council initiatives. 

Resources that focuses on developing and implementing best practices in electrical safety.
PC Council Library
Discover the requirements for a wide range of mechanical and electrical equipment used in the UK water industry.
Identify best maintenance practices and common maintenance-related problems, and develop solutions to overcome them.

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