Meet the Pump Centre Council

HomePump Centre Council | Water Industry Professionals

The Pump Centre Council is the elected body established to formulate and help implement the policy and strategy of the Pump Centre on behalf of the members.

Council Members

Bob Went
Chairman & Principal Consultant
Peter Morgan-Cox
Anglian Water
Gordon Raffel
Scottish Water
Simon Whatley
Thames Water
Darren Hollins
United Utilities
Sean Smith
Wessex Water
Ian Robinson
Yorkshire Water
Andy Wilson
Andrew Barry
Xylem Water Solutions
Martin Richardson
James Jones
Ham Baker Engineering
Julius Guth
Pulsar Measurement
Andrew Bayton
Dwr Cymru
Stuart Wallis
SPP Pumps
Shaun Munro
Bedford Pumps
Jim Miller
Celeros Flow Technology
Alistair MacKinnon
Vacant Position

For more information on the role of the Council or how to become a Council member please see the links below or contact the Pump Centre.

Nomination Form

Terms of Reference

Contacting the Council

All Pump Centre members are welcome to raise questions and ideas for the Council to discuss at their quarterly meetings by sending an email to the Pump Centre here.

The Process

The email will be initially reviewed by the Pump Centre Manager / Chairman and if appropriate a direct response will be sent.

If a wider discussion is required, then this will be tabled at the next Council meeting under “any other business”. A response based on the Council feedback will then be sent by the Pump Centre Manager, to the member who sent the enquiry.

To access your account on our new website, please reset your password here.

Password Reset

Once you've reset your password, you can explore our new
member dashboard and its many features.